Caribbean Climate and NCDs Workshop Series

Caribbean Climate and NCDs Workshop Series

Session Recordings and Resources:

Kidney Disease: September 21, 2023 

Kidney Disease

September 21, 2023  |  6:00-7:30pm EST  |  Video Recording 


  • Ramón García Trabanino, MD, MSc, FASN: Centro de Hemodialisis and Boston University School of Public Health CKDu, El Salvador
  • Caroline Stigant, MD: University of British Columbia Division of Nephrology, UBC Planetary Healthcare Lab
  • James Hospedales, MD: Founder, EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for Planetary Health

Session Resources:

  • Spotlight on kidney disease ​​​​​(Ramón García Trabanino): Slides 

  • KIDNEY DISEASE (Caroline Stigant): Slides 

The incidence and costs of kidney diseases from communicable and non-communicable causes is already on the rise and expected to continue to increase globally — especially in low and middle-income countries. Many pathophysiologic processes which contribute to kidney disease are influenced by climate change. Action now is crucial to minimize the health impacts on the most vulnerable patients, while simultaneously reducing economic and health system impacts. Join us to examine the situation of climate change and kidney health in the Caribbean and Central America and discuss priorities for action. 

Respiratory Disease: May 25, 2023  

Respiratory Disease

May 25, 2023  |  6:00-7:30pm EST  |  Video Recording 


  • Pablo Méndez-Lázaro, PhD: University of Puerto Rico-Medical Science Campus, Puerto Rico Climate and Health Research Group
  • Sateesh Sakhamuri, MBBS, DM: Medical Associates Hospital, Trinidad and Tobago, Respiratory Medicine

Session Resources:

  • Climate change, air quality and respiratory illness in the Caribbean region (Pablo Méndez-Lázaro): Slides

  • Climate change and Respiratory Diseases (Sateesh Sakhamuri): Slides

  • CARICOOS Aerosol Monitoring Tool

  • Ten principles for climate, environment and respiratory health - Article

  • BreatheSafe (EarthMedic/EarthNurse) - Mobile App

Climate Change Impact on Diabetes and Obesity: Apr. 27 2023 

Climate Change Impact on Diabetes and Obesity

April 27, 2023  |  6:00-7:30pm EST  |  Video Recording


  • John Stoddard, Healthcare without Harm, Associate Director of Climate & Food Strategy
  • William H. Dietz, M.D., Ph.D., Director of STOP Obesity Alliance, Milken Institute School of Public Health

Session Resources:

Commercial Determinants of Climate Change & NCDs: Mar. 2023 

Commercial Determinants of Climate Change & NCDs

March 23, 2023  |  6:00-7:30pm EST  |  Video Recording 


  • Nicole D. Foster, Attorney-at-Law, Law Lecturer, University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus
  • Nicholas Freudenberg, DrPH, Distinguished Professor, CUNY SPH Community Health and Social Sciences

Session Resources:

  • Tackling the Commercial Determinants of Climate Change and NCDS (Nicholas Freudenberg): Slides
  • Commercial Determinants of Climate Change & NCDs (Nicole Foster): Slides
  • Social and Commercial Determinants - Working Group: Toolkit
  • The legal determinants of health: harnessing the power of law for global health and sustainable development: Article


Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease: Feb. 2023

Climate Change and Cardiovascular Disease
February 23, 2023  |  6:00-7:30pm EST   |  Video Recording


  • Prof Simon Anderson, PhD - Director, UWI George Alleyne Chronic Diseases Research Centre
  • Dr. Kenneth Leon Connell, MBBS DM, PhD - Consultant Internist/Hypertension Specialist, Cave Hill Campus UWI

CVD Session Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how climate change to affect the physical and social environment to alter risks and vulnerability for heart disease and stroke
  • Explain what preventive actions practitioners, patients and communities can take to reduce risk and impact of CVD, e.g., climate risk health history, comms materials
  • Identify # priorities for action research on CVD and climate change

Session Resources:

Climate and Cancer: Jan. 2023

Climate and Cancer
January 26, 2023  |  Video Recording


  • Leticia Nogueira - PhD, MPH, American Cancer Society
  • Marisa Nimrod, MD - The National Radiotherapy Centre, Trinidad
  • Yvonne Alexander - President, Dominican Cancer Society

Session Learning Objectives:

  • Explain the risks and vulnerabilities at the intersection of climate change and cancer
  • Discuss root causes of climate and health vulnerabilities
  • Identify actions individuals, providers, researchers, institutions, and communities can take

Session Resources:

  • The Caribbean Association for Oncology & Hematology: Slides
  • What Communities and Patients Should Know: Slides
  • CLIMATE CHANGE AND CANCER - Working Group: Animation

Mental Health and Climate Crisis: Nov. 2022

Mental Health and Climate Crisis
November 17, 2022  |  Video Recording

Session Learning Objectives:

  • Explain how climate change interacts with the physical and social environment to alter risks and vulnerability for mental disorders
  • Explain what actions practitioners, patients and communities can take to reduce risk and adverse impact, e.g., climate risk health history, communication materials, counseling, stress first aid
  • Identify three priorities for action research on mental health and climate change in the Caribbean

Session Resources:

Climate Action and Non-Communicable Disease: Oct. 2022

Climate Action and Non-Communicable Disease
October 27, 2022  |  Video Recording

Session Learning Objectives:

  • Show the many links of NCDs to climate and environment
  • Equip participants with knowledge and tools to serve as the foundation for transformative action
  • Identify what practitioners, patients and communities need to know; culturally relevant, including a climate-risk health history
  • Mobilize, organize, amplify voices of health professionals to advocate for solutions which benefit NCDs and the environment, e.g., through the outputs of work groups, EM&EN country chapters, advocacy networks, research, training and partnerships

Session Resources:


Climate change has many links with the costly noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) epidemic that the Caribbean faces. How can we reduce the adverse impacts of climate change and seize the opportunity to promote health at the same time? Join us in our virtual monthly webinar series that examines how climate change and NCDs are linked and explores why climate action is good for NCDs. CMEs/CPD will be available for health professionals from the region.

The effects of climate change are already affecting population morbidity, mortality, and the quality of health care delivery around the world, and these impacts will only intensify in the coming years. This reality necessitates more health professional training opportunities surrounding the topic of planetary and climate change and health.

The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education and EarthMedic and EarthNurse Foundation for Planetary Health launched a free, open access “Caribbean Climate and Health Responders Course” in spring 2022. The course was committed to providing health care professionals with the knowledge and tools to effectively respond to the climate and health crisis in their local communities throughout the Caribbean region. Following the success of the course, participants expressed enthusiastic interest in understanding the connection between climate change and the socially and economically burdensome epidemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) in Caribbean countries.

To address this unmet need, the new “Caribbean Climate and Health NCD Workshop Series” will help current and future global health professionals to further understand the impacts of the climate emergency on NCDs and to work towards resilience-building solutions.


Please direct any questions to Kerriann Peart (she/her).