
All graduates (October, February and May) who plan to attend the May graduation ceremonies must wear academic regalia to both the Mailman and all-university Commencement ceremonies. When purchasing Regalia, please be sure to ensure a tassel was included with your mortarboard.

Save the Date: Grad Fair at the Medical Campus Bookstore March 1, 2024 from 11:00-4:00pm

Ordering and Pick-up

Graduates must purchase regalia from the Columbia University Bookstore or by visiting

Master’s Students (MPH, MHA, and MS)

Masters candidates at Columbia University and its affiliated institutions wear a cap (mortarboard) with a tassel and gown; no hood is used.

Master’s regalia is available for purchase and not available for rental. Master's regalia is $72.

  • In-Store: Regalia may be purchased beginning February 27th at the CUIMC Bookstore
  • Online: Orders may be placed beginning March 4th and ending March 22nd to be directly shipped to the student by visiting
  • Online: After March 22nd, you can order at

Doctoral students (PhD and DrPH)

Doctoral recipients wear a gown, hood and velvet tam (cap). All three components are required in order to walk in all commencement ceremonies.

Doctoral regalia can be reserved online or in-store for purchase. A full set of doctoral regalia includes: Gown Rental, Hood Rental, Tam Purchase. 

A full set of doctoral regalia is $198: Gown Rental, Hood Rental, Tam Purchase

➢ In-store: Regalia may be reserved through April 12th without incurring a late fee. In-store pickup and ship-to-home options are available.

➢ Online: Orders may be placed beginning March 4th and ending March 22nd by visiting Doctoral rental regalia will be available for pickup in-store beginning April 22nd. A ship-to-home option is not available online.