How to Apply

Job Description

The specific weekly time commitment and salary changes slightly from year to year as studios’ structures change, teaching assistants are consistently competitively compensated for the invaluable services they provide to our students and faculty.

Please click to see a more detailed Core, ISP, and Leadership.

Please click to see a complete job description for Core Teaching Assistants, Core Lead Teaching Assistants, and ISP Teaching Assistants

Application Process

Every spring, we go through the process of recruiting, vetting, and hiring all Core and ISP teaching assistants. Our open application in tandem with faculty recommendations, aims to attract and hire the most qualified students for these positions. As a student, if you are specifically interested in a specific studio or two, we recommend you contact those respective faculty members directly to discuss your qualifications.

All applicants from the Spring Open TA Application are reviewed by studio faculty members and selected based on a variety of factors. We then verify a student’s eligibility to work and begin the onboarding process if he/she officially accepts the position. This open application process allows for an equal opportunity to become a teaching assistant for students across certificates, departments, and even non-MPH degrees. In contrast, both studio lead teaching assistant positions are hand selected by the studio faculty members. As a student, we recommend speaking directly with your studio faculty if you are interested and qualified to hold one of these prestigious positions.

Important Deadlines 

TA Institute

All applicants are required to attend a full day of training during the week of August 27th. This training is mandatory for all hired TAs and Lead TAs. The institute will cover the following topics:

  • Effective Communication and Strategies for Dealing with Students
  • Navigating CourseWorks
  • A/V and Classroom Technology
  • Grading with Rubrics
  • Creating Inclusive Classrooms
  • Active Learning Techniques
  • Leading Small Group Discussions
